Categories: Business

Surviving the Tornado: Renewed Roots Collective Owner’s Quest for Resilience and Recovery

Katherine Helms, owner of Renewed Roots Collective, is one of the many home business owners facing challenges after the tornado that hit her area on Friday morning. Her vintage clothing and antique furniture store was damaged in the storm and she had to move it to a storage unit. Despite the difficulties, Helms is determined to keep her business going and has plans for fundraisers and partnerships to help her recover from the damage.

Organizations like Storm One Claims are working to assist homeowners who have been affected by the tornado. Heidi Muniz, a licensed public adjuster at Storm One Claims, helps policyholders file claims with their insurance companies to begin the process of repairing their homes. For Helms, this means that she can focus on restocking her inventory and getting back to running her business without worrying about how to pay for repairs or replace lost items.

To support Katherine Helms and Renewed Roots Collective, you can shop online or visit her booth at Rabbit Creek Market. Additionally, donations are being collected to help her during this challenging time. You can also show your support by visiting her at Marauder’s Market on Sunday, May 19th, where over 30 vendors will be present. For more information on how Storm One Claims can help homeowners recover from tornado damage, you can visit their website.

Samantha Jones

As a dedicated content writer at, I bring a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail to every piece I create. With a background in journalism and a love for crafting engaging narratives, I strive to deliver informative and captivating content that resonates with our readers. Whether I'm covering breaking news or delving into in-depth features, my goal is to inform, entertain, and inspire through the power of words. Join me on this journey as we explore the ever-evolving world of news together.

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Samantha Jones

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